
转发: 網上獨家優惠 - Smartech 家用���塵器 Online Exclusive Offer - Smartech Household Vacuum Cleaner


发件人: PARKnSHOP.com
发送时间: ‎29/‎8/‎2014 18:13
收件人: djcandy@msn.com
主题: 網上獨家優惠 - Smartech 家用吸塵器 Online Exclusive Offer - Smartech Household Vacuum Cleaner

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網上獨家優惠 Online Exclusive OfferSmartech 家用吸塵器 Household Vacuum Cleaner
由即日起至9月18日,您可於百佳網站以優惠價購買2款Smartech家用吸塵器,配合不同需要,全面照料您健康生活每一天!From now til September 18, PARKnSHOP.com introduces you two Smartech vacuum cleaners. Start a clean, healthy lifestyle with Smartech. For limited time offer, buy now with online exclusive discount.立即購買! BUY NOW!
清水淨化,經多層過濾淨化系統,抗菌除塵Capture dust by water filtration system and with 6-stage multi-layer filtration system多用途配件:地板刷、23厘米及11厘米吸水刷、扁吸咀、多功能毛刷及拍打式塵刷Accessories: Floor brush, Water squeegee (23cm) & Water squeegee (11cm), Crevice nozzle, Multi duster brush and Air turbo brush拍打式塵刷適用於床褥及布藝梳化The Air turbo brush is best use for mattress and fabric sofa cleaning輸出 Output 230V~50Hz, 1400W MaxAqua Formula 強力水濾吸塵器 Water Filtration Vacuum Cleaner SV 1068尺寸 Size 29x48.5x31.5 厘米 cm獨家優惠價 Exclusive Discount Price $899原價 Value $1998
有效日期 Valid Period  29/8 - 18/9/2014省位設計,無線操作,易於收藏Compact design, cordless design, easy to storage輕巧機身,操作寧靜Light-duty and slient operation隨機附有配件包括渦輪刷,多功能毛刷及扁吸咀連延長管Come with extra tools including Air turbo brush, Multi duster brush and Crevice tool with extension tube輸出 Output DC15V, 200mA無線多用途吸塵器 Cordless Cyclonic Vacuum Cleaner SV 1030尺寸 Size 9.5x12.8x51-88.5 厘米 cm獨家優惠價 Exclusive Discount Price $368原價 Value $698
榮獲2013香港新星品牌 助你輕鬆清潔家居2013 Hong Kong Emerging Brand Award Holder, clean your house without difficulties.免費送貨 Free Delivery一年保養 One Year Warranty
百佳送貨熱線Delivery Hotline 2690 0948產品查詢熱線 Product Enquiry Hotline 2698 9280須受條款及細則約束。Terms & Conditions apply.數量有限,售完即止!Limited Offer, While Stock Last!
A member of A.S. Watson Group . A Hutchison Whampoa Company屈臣氏集團屬下機構 . 和記黃埔集團成員

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