

我爸在處理淋浴房的玻璃磨砂時因未佩戴護目鏡遇到輸液管爆裂 ,化學劑噴濺入眼,去市醫院清洗并且日間要輸液消炎,我回去看望他。眼膜损伤,两颗眼珠成血凝状,但是他还坚持去上班
when he in dealing grind arenaceous for the glass of shower room not wear goggles who know that tubing blowout, chemical agents spray in his eyes,then he go to the city hospital,doctor help cleaning eyes and said  need infusion diminish inflammation at least daytime.I went back to see him. his cornea damage,the eyes into looks like blood clots, but he still keep working everyday.

He said this much better than the first day, said the first day eyelid stuck even cannot open eyes.

God, if you can hear, I want to ask you a gift for my dad as this year's birthday,before August 13,please let  his eye as recovery ASAP! Thank you! I will pay my all to help you!