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寄件者:亞洲路德宗神學院 Asia Lutheran Seminary <alsdevtinfo@gmail.com>
日期:2021年7月28日 下午7:44
主旨:亞洲路德宗神學院「每週靈糧」 Asia Lutheran Seminary Weekly Devotions
寄件者:亞洲路德宗神學院 Asia Lutheran Seminary <alsdevtinfo@gmail.com>
日期:2021年7月28日 下午7:44
主旨:亞洲路德宗神學院「每週靈糧」 Asia Lutheran Seminary Weekly Devotions
教我禱告: 溝通障礙 -罪疚感
Prayer: Communication Obstacles – Guilt
ALS Weekly Devotions
*Image Credit: fullofeyes.com
當我還是孩子的時候,每次看見我家的 狗偷偷摸摸地繞過房子躲避我們的視線時, 我就知道我們很快就會在客廳裡發現「意外」 了。當你知道自己做錯了事,冒犯了某人時, 這種罪疚感會強烈遏制你與那個人親密交談 的意願。罪疚感使你想要逃跑。人類的第一 對夫妻因犯罪而感到羞恥,他們聽到上帝在 園中的「腳步聲」時,就在樹叢中藏了起來。 當我們對沒有承認和沒有被赦免的罪感到愧 疚時,最先影響的就是我們禱告的欲望。
我們與上帝的關係不是基於我們的表現 和行為,而是基於他的恩典,這一關係的美 麗之處就在於上帝決定無條件地愛我們並赦 免我們。耶穌來到地上的目的,不是要為屬 靈的超級明星們佩戴獎章,而是要拯救像你 我一樣的有罪和羞愧的愚頑之人。他曾經說 過:「凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我這裡來, 我就使你們得安息。」(太 11:28)
當你意識到自己的不足時,當你的良知讓你內心不安時,當你太羞愧以至不敢禱告 時,那正是最好的時刻來禱告祈求並領受上 帝的赦免,上帝的赦免正是為這樣的時刻預 備的。上帝的憐憫大過你的罪,他必不輕看 憂傷痛悔的心(參詩 51:17);事實上,他 的專長就是醫治憂傷的心,使不安的靈得安 息。
When I was a kid, we always knew that when the dog slunk around the house and avoided our eyes we would soon find an "accident" in the living room. When you know that you have done wrong and offended someone, it is a powerful deterrent to wanting to have a close and intimate conversation with that person. Guilt makes you want to run away. An ashamed first couple hid in the bushes when they heard God's "footsteps" in the garden. When we are guilty of unconfessed and unforgiven sin, one of the first casualties is our desire to pray.
Here is the beauty of a relationship with our God that is based not on our performance and behavior but rather on his grace, that is, his decision to love and forgive us unconditionally. Jesus came to this earth not to pin medals on spiritual superstars, but to rescue sinful and ashamed fools like you and me. He said once, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).
When you are aware of your shortcomings, when your conscience makes you sick inside, when you are too ashamed to pray, that is the very best time to pray and claim the forgiveness that was bought for you for just such a time. God's mercy is bigger than your sin. He will never despise a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17); in fact, his particular specialty is in healing broken hearts and providing rest for restless spirits.
2021 秋季課程安排(粵語)| 2021 秋季課程安排 (國語)
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