

Daltonization is a technique of exposing details to color-blind users, allowing them see what they otherwise would have missed.
Color vision deficiency (CVD), commonly referred to as color blindness, affects around 5% of the population (8% of males, and 0.5% of women) or one out of every twenty computer users.

To learn more about color blindness & algorithms to improve the accessibility of colors on digital displays see:  http://daltonize.org/p/developer.html

Description of Options for Chrome Daltonize!:

Filter type:
- "Simulate" shows how images appear through the eyes of the color blind. 
- "Daltonize" exposes details in images to color blind computer users, allowing them to catch details they may have otherwise missed. For instance, daltonization of an Ishihara test plate (a popular test of color-vision) allows a color-blind person to see numbers normally inaccessible to their perception. 

Color vision deficiency:
- This software provides enhancement for people with Protanopia (red-green), Deuteranopia (red-green), or Tritanopia (blue-yellow).  Select one of these options from the select menu.

Run at page load:
- If option is checked the algorithm is run onpageload.  Otherwise, you must click on the browserAction (sphere icon) in the top-right corner of your browser to Daltonize the page.

Show speed results:
- If option is checked the amount of time it took to process the results is displayed.  Otherwise, the run time is not displayed.

1.1 - added color blindness simulation, fixed recurrent image loading

- Do you not have access to Google Chrome? You can use the Daltonize Bookmarklet proudly hosted on Google Appspot:

Applicant's Status

Please indicate below if you are a local or non-local applicant:

You are a local applicant, if

a) you are a holder of a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card; or
一、 你持有香港永久居民身份證

b) you have the right to land / right of abode in Hong Kong; or
二、 這句我理解不能

c) you are a holder of a One-way Permit for entry to Hong Kong; or
三、 你是持單程證(單程通行證)進入香港

d) you hold any of the following documents that will allow you to study in Hong Kong without a student visa / entry permit:

e.g. dependent visa, entry visa / entry permit for quality migrants.
e.g. 受养人签证,入境签证/優秀人才移民入境许可证。

You may be required to provide supporting document to respective institution to prove your residency status upon request.



  1. 城大,浸大,嶺大,中大,教院,理大,科大及港大獲政府資助的全日制或廠校交替制學士學位課程;
  2. 城大由政府資助的全日制副學士學位課程;
  3. 教院由政府資助的全日制高級文憑課程;
  4. 理大由政府資助的全日制高級文憑課程;及
  5. 公大非政府資助全日制學士學位課程。
http://www.jupas.edu.hk/tc/j3 誰知道這a.b.c.d.e.有什麼差別?


今天漏接兩通來自Kent's Const & Eng Co Pang(彭先生)的電話,還有一通介紹銀行sales工作的,具體工作內容不太清楚,我回撥電話過去一個彭先生正在吃飯說等下打給我,另一個女生在語音留言裏的聲音很甜,估計已經下班了沒接電話。前幾日SmarTone的工作人員幫我把原手機號從three.com.hk轉到smarTone(很神奇耶,怎么可以號碼不變服務商改變?)http://weibo.com/1317415294/xwUsdecMA 今天突然轉台成功,可我把新的SIM卡留在家,所以今天手機傍身卻是一整天沒有訊號。