发件人: MTR Club
发送时间: 9/7/2014 19:18
收件人: djcandy@msn.com
主题: MTR HONG KONG Race Walking 2014 is open for entry!
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chen小姐 您好: 今年是「港鐵競步賽」的十周年,我誠意邀請你一同參與這項競步嘉年華,分享運動的樂趣。 「港鐵競步賽2014」將於十月二十六日(星期日)在中環舉行。今屆賽事將雲集不同國家的競步好手,參加男女子精英賽外,市民大眾亦可以一身「生日主題」的服飾,來參加「競步自由行」,角逐「最佳服飾獎」! 競步是一項既簡單又方便的運動,只需穿著舒適運動服及運動鞋,在平坦的地上便可進行,也是家庭樂的好選擇。 各項賽事現已接受報名,有關詳情及報名表格可於港鐵網頁索取或致電2504 8215查詢。請即報名參加! 蘇仲達 總經理 - 市務及策劃 |
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Dear yanhong, I would cordially like to invite you to join our celebration of 10th Anniversary of MTR HONG KONG Race Walking. "MTR HONG KONG Race Walking 2014" will be held on 26 October (Sunday) at Central. The event will attract top race walkers from different countries to compete in the Men's and Women's Elite races. Everyone is encouraged to dress up in "Birthday Theme" outfits and join the Novice Walk to win the "Best Costume Award". Race Walking is simple and convenient, and something which everyone can participate in. All you need is simple sportswear, a pair of sports shoes and flat ground to start. This year's competition is open for enrolment now - you can visit MTR website for details and application form, or call 2504 8215 for enquires. Act now! Eddie So General Manager - Marketing & Planning |
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