
WE Smile“最��笑容”相片比�




相片:多�各位���,我�已�收到唔少WE Smile�加者��心相片,仲未�加�朋友快���加啦,�易�走100分易���分之�,重有��拎走�富�物� �情:http://on.fb.me/1r6fjn4  Lots of smiling photos keep on coming! Have you sent yours yet? It's time to take action and get rewarded! 100 MoneyBack bonus points and awesome prizes are all waiting for your!  For details:http://on.fb.me/1r6fjn4

【WE Smile"最��笑容"相片比�】
由即日起,send你��心相片俾我地,就可以�100分易���分,被�中�20名�加者��得$1,000 百佳超�市��金券之外(名�20名),仲��入第二��公�投票活�! 快�跟住以下步��加啦!

1. 先「�好」成�香港百佳超�市�PARKnSHOP Supermarket HK粉�
2. �你笑得最�心�相及一句��形容你拍照��心情,�同身份�上之英文全名、�人������及易������
a) Facebook inbox, b) whatsapp (Tel: 6332 9212) 或 c) �� (PNS_marketing@asw.com.hk) 形式�送俾我�,�料正�者即可�百佳易��100分
3. 我���7月3日挑�出20幅公�投票活��侯�相片,�果�於日後�百佳超�市����公布
4. �加者�同意��相片�有可能刊�於百佳超�市�日後宣�品�。每位�加者提交作品�,�加者即向主��位授予非��、不可撤回、免版�、全球、永久及可���可�,以使用及��相�作品/照片之知���。前述之�可�令主��位有���、�布、列印、使用、改�、翻�、��、修�、�纂、��、�放、�置、上�至伺服器、�播及/或�送作品及照片,以作�告、推�、展示及/或宣�用途,�有�使用作品作本活�相�用途,而毋�另作��、取得�一步�可或通知。每位�加者亦在此授予每位��香港百佳超�市�Facebook��之�客非���可�,以�取、��、使用、��及分�其作品。
5. 截止交相日期:6月29日
6. 活��款及��: http://on.fb.me/U8N0JW

【WE Smile "The Best Smile" Photo Contest】
It's time to share your best smiling photos with us! Not only giving out 100 MoneyBack bonus points to all participants, $1,000 PARKnSHOP cash vouchers are all set for the first round of winners with the best smiles! (20 winners) Let's be one of the 20 finalists and get the chance to win a bigger prize in the voting phase at the second stage of the event! 
Participating method:
1. "Like"and become a fan of PARKnSHOP Supermarket HK Facebook fan page
2. Send your best smiling photo, along with 1 sentence of describing how you felt when the photo was taken, your English name on Hong Kong Identity Card, contact number and MoneyBack Card number through any of the below channels, participants with valid information will get 100 MoneyBack bonus points
a) Facebook inbox, b) whatsapp (Tel: 6332 9212) or c) Email (PNS_Marketing@asw.com.hk) 
3. We will pick 20 winners among all entires on 3rd July, and they will be entitled to enter the voting phase of the second round of the event. Result will be announced on PARKnSHOP Supermarket HK Facebook fan page
4. By entering into the Event and submitting an Entry, each participant hereby grants to the Organiser a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual and transferable license to use and exploit the intellectual property rights subsisting in their respective Entries. The foregoing licence shall provide the Organiser the right to edit, publish, print, use, adapt, translate, exploit, modify, include in a compilation, copy, disseminate, dispose, load onto its server, broadcast and/or transmit each participant's Entry for advertising, promotional, display and/or publicity purposes, and to use the Entries for all purposes connected with the Event without any compensation, further permission or notification. Each participant also hereby grants each visitor to the PARKnSHOP Supermarket HK Facebook fan page a non-exclusive licence to access a participant's Entry and to view, use, reproduce and distribute such Entry.
4. Photo submission deadline : 29th June
5. Terms and conditions: http://on.fb.me/U8N0JW


